About Me

Nama : Teddy Johannis

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Ambon, 24 September 1983

Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki

Agama : Kristen Protestan

Hobby : Nonton Bola, Fotografi, Nyanyi

Cita-cita : Masuk Surga

Tinggi / Berat Badan : 170 cm / 65 kg

Tempat Favorit : Kamar & Pantai

"The challenge of leadership is :
- be strong, but not rude;
- be kind, but not weak;
- be bold, but not bully;
- be thoughtful, but not lazy;
- be humble, but not timid;
- be proud, but not arrogant;
- have humor, but without folly.”

-(Jim Rohn)-